Tuesday, January 25, 2011

April 9th March & Peace Rally in NYC -- Further Info

Here's more info from an email from Manhattan Green, Jim, re April 9th anti-war action:

The Green Party of New York and New York Metro Progressives are among the endorsers of the April 9, 2011 march and peace rally in NYC.

For a list of endorsers, see the demonstration website www.UNACpeace.org.

A flyer for the event is at nepajac.org/April9NYCPeace.pdf, Please copy and circulate widely.


Bring U.S. Troops Home Now: Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan! End the sanctions and stop the threats of war against the people of Iran, North Korea and Yemen. No to war and plunder of the people of Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa! End U.S. Aid to Israel! End U.S. Support to the Israeli Occupation of Palestine and the Siege of Gaza!

Trillions for jobs, education, social services, an end to all foreclosures, quality single-payer healthcare for all, a massive conversion to sustainable and planet-saving energy systems and public transportation and reparations to the victims of U.S. terror at home and abroad.

End FBI raids on antiwar, social justice, and international solidarity activists, an end to the racist persecution and prosecutions that ravage Muslim communities, an end to police terror in Black and Latino communities, full rights and legality for immigrants and an end to all efforts to repress and punish Wikileaks and its contributors and founders.

Immediate end to torture, rendition, secret trials, drone bombings and death squads

If you want to get on the mailing list for updates, send an email to UNACpeace@gmail.com.

I attended the initial organizing meeting Jan 13th. The plan is to hold organizing meetings in person at 7pm every other Weds. I think the next one is 1/26 at a location TBD. They will also try to create a calendar of events in support of April 9th Send event postings to hanalei@gmail.com.

April 9th will have a rally and march from Union Sq down to Foley Sq where they'll be a second rally. There will be a mirror event in San Francisco. Possibly others in London, Vancouver.


Note from Jim:

Let's get the word out as much as possible to make this huge! Those who can take an active part in helping to organize are needed.

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