Tuesday, January 25, 2011

KEEP WALMART OUT OF NYC!!! City Hall, Thurs., Feb. 3, 2011-11am

From an email from Manhattan Green JM:

The day we’ve all been waiting for is about to arrive.

Next Thursday, the New York City Council will finally hold its much-anticipated first hearing on Walmart’s plans to open stores in New York City. We’re going to pack the steps of City Hall at a rally before the hearing to make sure everyone knows how strongly our city opposes Walmart’s plans to hi-jack our local economy by killing jobs and shuttering small businesses.
And we want to bring your voice with us.

We’re circulating a petition to let City Council know that a company that kills three jobs for every two it “creates” is not a company we want setting up shop in our city. Can you sign the petition and ask at least two friends to do the same?


We know that most New Yorkers don't want a future of poverty wages, high unemployment, and limited opportunities for locally-owned businesses that reinvest in our communities for their city. But right now, Walmart is busy mounting a slick PR campaign to co-opt local support and create the false impression that they're wanted here. If you don't want to let Walmart's marketing execs speak for you, then it's crucial you stand up and make your voice heard now:

Our goal is to get at least 1,000 signers by next Thursday’s hearing, but we can’t do it without your help. So thank you in advance for getting the word out, and we look forward to seeing you Thursday Feburary 3, at 11am on the steps of City Hall (map | RSVP).

-- Austin Guest and the NY Jobs with Justice / Urban Agenda team
NY Jobs with Justice and Urban Agenda are merging. Visit our new website at http://nyjwj.org

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